
I’m writing a book

Hey guys, quick update here.

I started writing a book a couple years ago but with everything that happened last year with the pandemic and in my personal life, I sort of shelved it.

I’ve been having a real challenge keeping up with my reading and even writing lately but I really need to get out of this funk.

It’s with that thought I decided that I would post a chapter of what I’ve been working on weekly on Wattpad in an effort to force myself to start writing again. (I have another book working on and need the mojo).

I invite you guys to go take a read on what I’ve published so far and please give me your honest feedback. Have a read of my first attempt at writing a book, CHURCH HEATHEN



So I did a thing today. Did it on a whim and now I’m going to tell you all about it so there can be no turning back.

I created a newsletter for Bookclub peeps and I.

Bookfetish bookclub has been around since 2019 and we’ve been having our chats and meetups virtually. The chats and the reading dwindled down last year with the pandemic and everyone trying adjust to the new normal. Reading went on the back burner for some while some struggled through but didn’t manage to read as much as we’d like.

I’ve given it some thought and now I’ve gone ahead and created little newsletter to get the reading juices flowing again.

If you wanna get the first copy of Bookfetish’s Newsletter click here to sign up and I’ll gladly send it to you.

I would also LOVE your feedback on this new venture I’ve absolutely dived in the deep waters with.


Books I Read in 2020

I probably should have called this post “the year I read caribbean“, but after checking my list I thought compared to other bookstagrammers, I may not have read enough books written by Caribbean authors. But alas, I digress quite early in this piece.

I think you’d agree that 2020 was a crazy year for all involved. We all had to pivot and I had to as well. With everything going on in the world and my personal life my reading took a hit. I was in no mood to read for long periods of time.

In the end I met my goal of reading 20 books. Any other year I may have been disappointed because I deliberately set the goal low so I could easily surpass. BUT MANNN!!! I barely scraped through.

I’m slowly coming out of my rut, at least for now anyways. Let me go ahead and share with you the list of books that I read in 2020.

Christian Fiction

Three guesses who my favourite Christian fiction author is. 😌

Read Caribbean

YA Fantasy/Fiction

Other Fiction

Personal Development

Books that I started but haven’t finished as yet for reasons I’m not even sure of 😩

I’m going to make a promise to myself that I’ll complete this list by the end of the year God’s willing.

Many of the books on this list, in particular the Caribbean titles were made known to me by a community I’ve come to know and love. Special shout out to the bookstagrammers who challenge me to read outside of what I’d normally do. Special shout out to these guys below, ya’ll keep me in the loop 🤓🤓🤓

I’ll end by encouraging you if you’ve made it this far in my post to read whatever makes you happy. Read something that challenges you also, but most importantly, just READ! It doesn’t matter if you only complete one book for the entire year, that’s a start. Reading is a world of fun and right now I think we could all use some extra fun in our lives.

Stay blessed 👌

Happy reading 😉

bookblog, Uncategorized

It’s been a while

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything on here and I want to promise to do better.

I haven’t read as much as I’d like this year, I think Covid-19 has got a lot of persons reading patterns messed up. Well, Covid and other challenges that is.

Although not reading as much as I’d liked, I found that I read a lot of carribean titles. #readcaribbean was a thing for me this year and I admit, I did not know that carribean based titles were SOOO good!

Here’s a list of some of what I’ve read so far, Im gonna try and write a few reviews I promise (cross fingers) :

Half of this list are #readcaribbean titles and all these books have characters of African descent. These books opened me up to a new world of reading and I must say I am loving it! The saying really is true, once you go black, you never go back!

I hope you’ve clicked the links and checked out those books if by chance you’ve been under a rock (I’m a book snob can you tell?) and never heard of them before. Be sure to add them to your TBR list and check back my page for a few reviews.


Biblical Fiction is a Wonderful Thing

Francine Rivers Lineage of Grace Series

Francine Rivers is one of my favourite authors. These two series are the first I read of its kind and they opened my mind to a whole new world of writing.

In the Lineage of Grace series  we meet the five women whom God chose—Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary. Each was faced with extraordinary—even scandalous—challenges. Each took great personal risk to fulfill her calling. Each was destined to play a key role in the lineage of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World.

In the Sons Of Encouragement series Francine Rivers illuminates the lives of five Biblical men who stood behind the heroes of the faith and quietly changed eternity. Aaron, Caleb, Jonathan, Amos, and Silas each faithfully sought after God in the shadows of His chosen leaders. They answered God’s call to serve without recognition or fame. And they gave everything, knowing their reward might not come until the next life.

So it’s ten amazing books in total, each delving into Bible characters and making them come alive in a way that I’m sure you didn’t fathom when reading the Bible by itself. Matter of fact, these books send you right back to the scriptures so you can see how closely everything lines up with what Francine Rivers wrote.

If you haven’t read biblical Fiction before, I encourage you to try these. There are also tones of others which I may recommend over time. Trust me, you won’t regret turning these pages.



Thanks for joining me on my journey where I share my love for reading just about any genre of books.

There’s nothing better than curling up with a good book

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I always remember the words of one of my primary school teachers, she told us to read any and everything we see. She told us to read posters, books, whatever it was, just read it. I took that literally although I didn’t need much convincing from her.

When I was in first grade I remember hanging out in the library. I guess I got so engrossed that the time passed and I didn’t realize that it was time to head back to my class. My first grade teacher didn’t appreciate me being tardy for her class, but she couldn’t argue very long when she found out where I was coming from. I been a legitimate book lover from as far back as my memory can take me.

Throughout high school, you could always catch my face buried in a book, more often than not it would be a Sweet Valley series. I absolutely loved those.

Now I’m an adult and I basically read whatever seems interesting to me. I love Christian Fiction, Soulful Fiction, Contemporary… you name it. I spent an entire year reading only James Patterson novels and another year I read only books written by Debbie Macomber. Before that it was a lot of Christian books written by Francine Rivers, Karen Kingsbury, Derek Prince and Mahesh Chavda. Then I went on to discover ReShonda Tate Billingsly and Victoria Christopher Murray whew! 🙂 What a diverse list right?

In January 2019 I decided to form a whatsapp bookclub for me and my friends who I knew loved reading as much as I did. Little did I know so many more persons would become interested in the journey. For varying reasons, persons wanted to push themselves to read more, some of us just wanted the community to share our thoughts about the books that we’re reading while others who hate reading told me to help them become better at it.

The year ended and I feel such a thrill in knowing that so many persons, epecially my male friends really took it seriously and actually read titles I recommended to them. They are actually loving it and continue to look to me to give them recommendations.

So here I am now, taking it a step further by making a blog to reach even more persons and hopefully my book reviews and recommendations may inspire someone to pick up book and give it a read. Hopefully You!